The Persian Alphabet looks like a work of art.
The curves, the squiggles and dots! it is creative genius.
The same shape with a dot has a completely different sound! I love it! and so do my children. They love tracing it, creating characters out of it and making words that sound like the letters in bubble writing.
But I digress, here are some of my favourite combos to help introduce them to you.
The Persian alphabet has 32 official letters
(that doesn't include the short vowels).
The letters change form depending on their position in a word or when they appear seperate from other letters.
It is important to note that Persian books are read from right to left. The short vowels are usually omitted from literature. They are depicted by markings above and below the letters
َ ِ ُ |
(they have the phonetic sounds of 'ah' 'eh' and 'oh)
Now lets get into the letters!
Some more similar shaped letters that can be learned as a group.
ب ت ن ث پ
Pe, Se, Nún, Te and Be
Pe like pedar [father]
changes shape between forms
پپپ پ
Se like mosallas [triangle]
changes shape between forms
ثثث ث
Nún like negáh [look]
Changes shape between forms
ننن ن
Te like tút [mulberry]
changes shape between forms
تتت ت

Be like Bús [kiss]
changes shape between forms
ببب ب
Shín & Seh (my kids favourite)
س ش
Shín, Sín
Sín like síáh [black]
changes shape between forms
سسس س

Shín like Shotor [camel]
changes shape between forms
ششش ش
ط ظ
tá zá
Zá like zarf [plate]
changes shape between forms
ظظظ ظ

Tá like távús [peacock]
changes shape between forms
ططط ط
ص ض
zád, sád
Sád like sábún [soap]
changes shape between forms
صصص ص
Zád like zíáfat [feast]
changes shape between forms
gáf, káf
گ ک
Gáf like gojeh [tomato]
changes shape between forms
گگگ گ

Káf like komak [help]
changes shape between forms
ککک ک