Free Persian Resources to help you on your Persian learning journey ( MAJÁNÍ )
Free Printables to kickstart your Persian Learning journey
Persian Nursery Rhymes in Finglisi - Iranian Songs in Finglisi
Persian Alphabet Worksheets
Persian alphabet [Farsi alphabet] tracing worksheets.
Persian New Years Haft Sin
School Education resources to learn about the 7 "S"'s
Persian Alphabet & Number Flash Cards
Shervin Hajipour
Baráye Persian Freedom Anthem
Ey Zanbúre Taláí 🐝
Share your favourite Nursery Rhyme with hastag
#englisifarsi on any social media platform @englisifarsi
Persian Montessori inspired learning [Learning through Play]

Printable Mesvák activity!
Struggle to get your toddler to brush his/her teeth?
I happened to stumble across this brilliant idea from the @DadLab.
Teaching our kids about germs and bacteria and the consequences of not brushing our teeth helps empower them to make decisions mindfully.

The Persian Version
Feel free to copy and use our Englisi Farsi Teaching Materials but please tag/acknowledge @englisifarsi
All images are protected by copyright law.