Persian Fruit Míveh 🍉
Persian Fruit Míveh
🍉 🍇 🍋 🍏 🍊
Children love eating and learning the vocabulary to describe healthy foods in Persian is one the easiest and simplest ways to introduce your child to learning Persian via simultaneous acquisition).
Top tips from
Englisi Farsi's 🦚
Chief enthusiast,
Mona Kiani
Read the Fruit: Míveh book as pre reading
(trying to remember some of your favourite fruit names in Persian).
In all of these activities you should aim to read and repeat the words that you learnt
with your child in everyday settings. The more often they hear the word the greater the chance of retention.
1. Go Fruit picking! 🌳 🍊
Even if its just in your garden (or your grandparents house 😂- they always have fruit trees)
My sons favourite were
Watermelon (Hendúneh)
Lemon (límú) yea hes def persian with a sour tooth!
Mango (anbeh)
Spend the day out doors spotting those particular fruit in family gardens,
local orchards or vineyards.
Repeating the words in conversation and discussing the taste, colour and shape of the fruit we came across and were eating (If you need help with colors click here).
2. Imaginative play 🍴
Set up a play kitchen and set up a tray with cups/plates/play knife
set up the plates and pretend you are cutting up their favourite fruit.
Hmmmm shomá míveh míkháí?
Kúdúm míveh shomá dúst dárí?
Hendúneh? YUMMMMM
Hendúneh che rang eh?
Che shekl haste?
Mazash Shíríneh? yá talkh?

3. Cutting a fruit platter 🍉
Purchase a kid friendly baby knife
ask your child to help you cut a fruit platter
Talk about each fruit, what you like about it and describe its
4. Plant fruit seeds 🍎
Save the seeds from fruit that you are eating.
Dry them for a week until they are ready for planting
Organise soil, pot & seeds and talk about what it takes to grow a plant.
Sun, water, soil and some love!
Watch the seedlings grow and enjoy the harvest!
5. Music 🎶 🎵
Music is the greatest tool for memorisation.
I would recommend the
I generally play this music in the background in the morning
when the kids are playing or having their breakfast
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Persian. Pass it on. 🏺