Persian Animals: Heyvánát 🦒 🦏
Persian Animals Heyvánát
How do you weave these names into everyday activities to expand your children's Persian Vocabulary.
Children love animals and learning the vocabulary to describe them in Persian is one of the easiest and simplest ways to introduce your child to learning Persian. It helps them make sense of the world. The easiest and simplest ways to introduce your child to learning Persian via simultaneous acquisition).
Top Tips from
Englisi Farsi's 🦚
Chief Enthusiast,
Mona Kiani
Read the Animals:Heyvánát book as pre reading
(trying to remember some of your favourite animal names in Persian).
In all of these activities you should aim to read and repeat the words that you learnt
with your child in everyday settings. The more often they hear the word the greater the chance of retention.
1. Visiting the Zoo (bághevash)
Read the Animals book as pre reading
(trying to remember some of your favourite animal names in Persian).
My sons favourite were
Rhino (kargadan)
Giraffe (zarráfeh)
Elephant (fíl)

Spend the day out doors spotting those particular animals
(We had a Zoo Pass) which meant we would be at the zoo (bághevash)
every week animal spotting.
Repeating the words in conversation and making the noises of the animals we encountered.
If you aren't a zoo member,
You can go to the park, animal farm or for a nature walk
and look for animals there
ducks (ordak), dogs (sag) or cats (gorbeh) roaming the neighbourhood. Don't forget the little critters who fly, crawl and slither (Insects Hasharát activities click here).

2. Persian Imaginative play 💭
Set up a 'wet' area where you can place plastic tray with water, rocks, sticks or twigs and sand.
Set up mini animal figurines with some of your Childs favourite animals
Let your child play with these animals and create a jungle/house for them.
Describing each animal (in Persian) talking about what they eat,
what colour they are and where they live.
3. Didactic play 🧸
Set up an area where you can use quick dry clay or play dough
( I use old cardboard boxes from online deliveries)
to make a landscape for your Childs favourite animals.
Set up mini animal figurines with some of your Childs favourite animals
Let your child play with these animals and create a jungle/house for them.
Describing each animal (in Persian) talking about what they eat,
what colour they are and where they live.
4. Music 🎵 🎶
Persian Nursery Rhyme classic Atal Matal Tútúle
Music is the greatest tool for memorisation.
I would recommend the
Animal Farm by Aitak Ajangzad
Animals by Hani Niroo, Pardis for Children
I generally play this music in the background in the morning
when the kids are playing or having their breakfast