Persian Insects Hashárat
Children love learning about the little creatures they encounter from a very early age. They are in awe of a flying butterfly or a walking ladybug. They stop and learn at every living creature they encounter. Learning the Persian words for insects in the garden is one of the easiest and simplest ways to introduce your child to learning Persian. It helps them make sense of the world. Scientifically proven to successfully introduce your child to learning
🐜 🐞
So you have our Englisi Farsi Insects book and you
want to apply what you have learnt to practice.
Children love to be outdoors and in nature and learning the vocabulary to describe it in Persian is one the easiest and simplest ways to introduce your child to learning Persian.
Top tips from
Englisi Farsi's
Chief enthusiast,
Mona Kiani 🦚
Read the Insects: Hasharát book as pre reading
(trying to remember some of your favourite or most intriguing insects in Persian).
In all of these activities you should aim to read and repeat the words that you learnt
with your child in everyday settings. The more often they hear the word the greater the chance of retention and recollection.
1. A Day in nature
Read the Insects book as pre reading
(try to memorise some of the names of the most interesting or common insects in Persian).
Bring a magnifying glass and a insect collection kit (box and some leaves)
Walk around your favourite park/nature reserve and observe the insects that you can see.
Bugs and ants on leaves and rocks. Talk about what they eat, where they live and if they have any special powers (like lifting ten times their body weight or if they are venomous)

2. Imaginative play 💭
Set up a 'wet' area where you can place plastic tray with water, rocks, sticks or twigs and sand.
Set up mini animal figurines of insects
Let your child play with these insects and create a beach/river with them
Describing each insect (in Persian) talking about what they eat,
what colour they are and where they live.
4. Didactic Play
Purchase some inexpensive insect toys
spread out the insects on the floor
Go through and name each insect and let them play with them in the garden.
4. Magnifying glass 🔎 and microscope 🔬
Little hands, exploring our big world. Today A pulled out the book of insects hasharát from our @englisifarsi persian educational boxes.
Magnifying glass 🔎
Microscope 🔬
Insects 🕷 🐜
Bush walks, gardening and chats about nature, food chain, circle of life. And why every creature big or small has an important part to play on this planet 🪐 🌎 from the tiny ant 🐜 and buzzing bee 🐝 to giant creatures of the lands and ocean. 🦏 🐳

Informal and natural way to introduce new words to your family. 🌳 children are innately curious about their world, if we can foster their curiosity we too can see the world with fresh eyes and new perspectives.
5. Music 🎵 🎧
Music is the greatest tool for memorisation.
I would recommend the
I generally play this music in the background in the morning
when the kids are playing or having their breakfast
Persian. Pass it on. 🏺