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Happy Mother’s Day in Iran!

Mona Kiani

I wish you were fancy...

Hi 👋 salám 👋 سلام

We have had some new additions to the @englisifarsi @instagram family and I wanted to take a moment to introduce myself and my mum (as it happens to be Mother’s Day in iran apparently 🧁) My name is Moná and I am a Farsi school drop out!

My mum MADE me go to persian classes EVERY weekend of my childhood. And I resisted with all my rebellious might (I never lived in Iran, was raised in Australia).
Only now does it dawn on me, the gems she was trying to place before me. The bilingual brain 🧠 The rich Iranian heritage 🏺 . The cultural nuances. The food (my god the food!yum!!) 🥘

My mum is not fancy. And for so long I wished she would be. She had chickens in the backyard🐓 to make organic eggs 🥚 and a garden full of herbs 🌿 and fruit 🍇 when she could easily go to the market. She curated her own honey from her bees (it’s back breaking work separating the comb). She would pickle her own olives. Make her own fresh mulberry jam and laváshak. Make ghúreh (unripened grape vinegar) from her farm And would always got for her morning walks. Rain/hail or shine ☀️ 🌧 She would rarely eat out and would ALWAYS have a hot meal prepared for me and my brothers and father- every day 🤯 . For years I resented it. Questioned it. Wanted to change it. Little did I realise that in the years to come ... I would cherish it. Be in awe of it and funnily enough, now I replicate it. Well maybe not the jam making part 😂
She taught me resilience, faith, true joy, service and the power of selflessness. The generosity of spirit that keeps giving. A cup that is never empty and continues to give if itself. ⛲️ And for that I would never change it for the world 🗺
only now that I am a mother myself do I realise the concrete and strong foundations that you lay before me. The very stepping stones I required to get me to where I always needed to be. And I am so mamnún 💖🥰💕👩‍❤️‍💋‍👩 @nourankiani #lovetemplate

What aspects or qualities of your childhood do you wish to emulate in your parenting?

And yes, that’s my original nose 👃intact and unabridged #bini ok


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