Englisi Farsi
Words & Phrases that are fun to learn in Persian, English & Finglisi 📝
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My Favourite Words & Phrases Digital Download 📧
Words and Phrases that sound funny or are amusing to use with your family
I sometimes find my son repeating these words or phrases and chuckling to himself!
Gíj o Víj 🤷♀️
Lokhtí pokhtí 😏
kherse gondeh! 🐻
Make learning Persian FUN!
Throw in a few fun words and phrases to make the whole family giggle!

Sometimes, we need a little nudge in the right direction. Whether it be to eat better, exercise more or learn that a new language.
Later has arrived.
🦚 Persian. Pass it on. 🦚
To cater to the next generation of multi-lingual and multi-national families the Englisi Farsi Persian Resources are a practical learning tool for 2nd & 3rd generation Iranians seeking to bring alive the Persian language.
The perfect way to involve all family members.
Made with Love,
Bá eshgh