Persian Game Esm o Fámíl Digital Download 👧🏻👩🏻🏫👩🏻🔬👨👩👧👦
Persian Game Esm o Fámíl 👧🏻👩🏻🏫👩🏻🔬👨👩👧👦 Digital Download 📧
Adult Games to strengthen your vocabulary.
Play against your friends all over the world!
1. Print the Esm o fámíl game sheet
2. Randomly select a Persian Letter from the list
3. Write down the words for each corresponding category beginning with that letter
(try to make your selection unique and obscure- if you pick the same names as other people you gain less points)
4. once every player has completed the list read out
If two or more people have the same words they get: 1 point
unique word (no one else has thought of) you get: 5 points
5. Add up the total number of points for each category
Person with the most points wins!
To cater to the next generation of multi-lingual and multi-national families the Englisi Farsi Persian Resources are a practical learning tool for 2nd & 3rd generation Iranians seeking to bring alive the Persian language.
The perfect way to involve all family members.
Made with Love,
Bá eshgh