Persian Body Parts Flash card 👃 Digital Download 📧
Persian Body Parts Flash card 👃 Digital Download 📧
Learn body parts to describe our amazing body.
3 pages (8 cards per page) total 24 body parts to learn, memorise and repeat.
Place your Persian Alphabet Flash cards on a frequently passed surface (I use the fridge/kitchen bench)
Learn one body part every day!
Englisi Farsi Persian Farsi Resources have curated simple and effective tools to help bring you and your family closer to your Iranian Heritage.
Learn Persian / Farsi while expanding your Persian vocabulary
using our curated flash cards as a
digital download landing in your inbox as a colourful PDF.

To cater to the next generation of multi-lingual and multi-national families the Englisi Farsi Persian Resources are a practical learning tool for 2nd & 3rd generation Iranians seeking to bring alive the Persian language for their children.
They utilise the Persian Farsi Alphabet in the intuitive English Speaking order to help facilitate learning for those who are more fluent in English.
The perfect way to involve all family members.
Made with Love,
Bá eshgh