Can't read the Persian Alphabet? Neither could we
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Englisi Farsi

Persian Body Parts, Persian Bedtime Routine and Days of the Week Educational Bundle Digital Download 📧 Phonetic Persian Farsi, English and Persian

Regular price $5.00
Educational Bundle Includes:

6 Printable Downloads:

Persian My body chart (Badaneh man)
Persian Bedtime Routine in Finglisi
Persian Days of the week Routine Chart in Finglisi

Set of 3 nursery rhymes in Finglisi 
- Twinkle Twinkle Little Star
- Row Row Row Your Boat
- Itsy Bitsy Spider

For the first time, Persian and non-Persian parents can teach their children Persian using the familiar phonetics of the English alphabet also known as Finglisi. 

To cater to the next generation of multi-lingual and multi-national families the Englisi Farsi Printable Educational Bundle are a practical learning tool for 2nd & 3rd generation Iranians seeking to bring alive the Persian language for their children.

The perfect way to involve all family members.

Made with Love,

Bá e'shgh 



Englisi Farsi was born out of necessity.
An Iranian Australian mother set on
embracing her rich Persian heritage.
Created with love [e’shgh] for the Iranian diaspora. These books are designed to make learning Persian [Fársí] fun, interactive and relevant for the needs of Iranian families today.
Covering a wide variety of topics, they are an
ideal platform to engage & inspire young minds.
To nurture bilingual language development with a
little [kúchúlú] help from the English alphabet.
Persian. Pass it on.


Digital file of printable delivered to your inbox.


The moral rights of Englisi Farsi have been asserted,

All Rights Reserved including the right of production in whole or in part in any form.


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